Regnum Christi General Convention

Discussion Guide 1: Proclamation of the faith and the new evangelization

The Gospel is the Good News, it is the proclamation of Jesus Christ who enters the history of humanity. This Good News has in itself a special power to call and convict, because it is the bearer of what it offers and proclaims: the possibility of a totally new life that is transformed by personal adhesion to the resurrected Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior of humanity 

All Christians have been called and invited to proclaim this Good News with our lives. Jesus Christ, who comes out to meet us and reveals the love of his heart to us, sends us to our brothers and sisters. It is a matter of proposing the truth of Jesus Christ who comes to establish his Kingdom with our actions and our words, in a convincing and attractive way.

Members of Regnum Christi, impelled by the personal experience of Christ’s love, feel the interior urgency of making present his Kingdom, giving witness to what we have lived and experienced, and seeking to respond to the needs of the world and the Church. 

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